Vintage browsing

This weekend I stopped by the Vintage Fashion Expo in SF. It’s held twice a year, and also in SoCal. I had been meaning to check it out for a while. There were vendors selling an amazing array of vintage garments, shoes, jewelry, bags, etc. There were several vendors selling vintage table linens, aprons, and that sort of thing. I only saw one booth that sold patterns, and that was run by the lady who does the Booty Vintage pattern shop on Etsy. She also had a variety of garments, including several in larger sizes (*real* larger sizes, not ‘oh, it’s a vintage 12’ larger sizes). I bought this fun 70s pattern from her:

Isn’t the seaming around the bust cute? It’s designed for wovens but I think it would be great for a knit, which would also let you eliminate the CB zipper.

Sadly, I didn’t see a whole lot of larger stuff from other vendors, and what I did see was in the cotton work dress mode. Call me crazy, but if I want a cotton dress I’ll make one myself and not pay $50 for it. There was some truly unique stuff there – ostrich-feather trimmed hats, great costume jewelry, beaded evening gowns… I’m a thrift store fan, but buying vintage just because it’s old doesn’t appeal to me that much – I want to be able to alter, use and wear things. With the prices on most of this stuff I’d have to hang it on the wall as an art item.

I had just spent the morning at a busy group meeting, so the overstuffed locale got to me and I didn’t stay long. I doubt I’ll go back unless I develop an interest in collecting something in particular. But if you’re a vintage hound, it’s a treasure trove.

All-in-all, I should have probably opted to go to the fashion & trunk show at Fort Mason. Live and learn.

(Logistical stuff: Cost of parking was $15, with a $5 rebate with a purchase of a ticket, which was $10, so a total cost of $20. It was at the Masonic Center in Nob Hill, and next time if I get there at a more reasonable hour (i.e. not the middle of a busy Saturday shopping afternoon, tourists everywhere and some kind of rally going on) I’ll likely park at the Stockton & Powell (Stockton & something… somewhere close to that) garage, which is only a few blocks away (sadly, all basically straight uphill) and much more reasonable. Of course if you’re going to truly stay all day, $10 is not bad at all.)